Most of you reading this will know my kids, but for those of you who don't, I'll clarify. I have 3 children, all girls, and all a handful. Chelsea will turn 9 in January, Rebecca just turned 7 this July, and Alexis will be 5 in October. This weekend we had lots to do as Rebecca was a contestant for the Apple Festival Princess. As they say in the all about it.

This Friday after school Jayson and I took the girls to the Kiddie Parade so Rebecca could ride on the float. (for Apple Festival Princess) While we were there the kids sat in the 85 degree heat just to catch candy and wave at Becca, they all listened like angels, and on top of all that, had to walk about 7 blocks to and from the car. I was impressed with how they listened and knew how hot it was going to be on Saturday so we took them to Sonic for a slushie treat to cool them down.

Saturday, Jayson drove Rebecca in a golf cart through the Grand Parade. It literally was 90 degrees with a scorching sun all through the 3 hour parade. The girls were overheated, uncomfortable, thirsty, tired, and really just wanted to go home before we even saw Rebecca's cart. Finally after nearly 2 hours, we saw her in the distance. She was gorgeous in a pink sparkly dress that Shirley had found for her. Jayson even wore a shirt and tie that went great with her dress. As they went by we all snapped some pictures, Shirley got some video, and just like that it was over. After the parade, Stacy's parents Roger and Nancy took us out to lunch at Houlihans (not sure I spelled that right). The girls had a blast, mostly cause they love Roger and Nancy, but also cause they were starving afer the parade.

Saturday night was the crowning of the prince and princess. Rebecca was aware that she would probablly not win, but was content in just having fun getting to dress up, ride in the parade, and feel like a princess all day. Again, if you know my kids, you will know how big of a deal this is to me...Rebecca got up on stage, and spoke into a microphone in front of a full auditorium. I was shocked, amazed, and so very proud of her. I got a few pictures inside, but most of them turned out dark. However, I got quite a fw cute ones from outside right afterwards. She had a lot of fun, got a goody bag just for being part of it, and her favorite thing...a stuffed Captain Applesauce doll. Go figure.
1 comment:
Hey fletchers,
Love the blog!!! We don't have one, but love looking at yours and our families.
the binghams,
Lee, Becca, Dahlton, Cora, and Eliza
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